Charity in Marriage
This week’s studies covered lots of things like how to overcome gridlock, charity, and having a change of heart. What is gridlock? (Photo Credit: Wikipedia) “To navigate your way out of gridlock, you have to first understand that no matter how seemingly insignificant the issue, gridlock is a sign that you each have dreams for your life that the other isn’t aware of, hasn’t acknowledged, or doesn’t respect. By dreams I mean the hopes, aspirations, and wishes that are part of your identity and give purpose and meaning to your life” (Gottman, 2015). Gottman discusses how there will always be issues that are perpetual throughout your marriage. Some examples would be that one spouse wants to live a life full of travel and fun, while the other spouse wants to live a life of security, with lots of money in the bank for the “what ifs?” in life. If they can get to the reason why they feel the way they do, it’s easier to compromise. Maybe the adventurer spouse was brought u...